Hello! Are Russets considered white (Irish) potatoes?
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How long do you suggest baking a potato in a small toaster oven?
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Why is it not safe to leave cut potatoes in water in the fridge for more than 24 hours?
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Do Ama Rose potatoes store well over a long period of time?
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Hello! Tonight we fried some Idaho baking potatoes as chips. When I was peeling them, I noticed some of the ones we used had green under the skin and the eyes had started to sprout. Unfortunately, the potatoes weren't properly stored, but not much I could do about that other than peel and prep for use as chips. When we went to eat them, we noticed the chips had a bitter taste to them. We used new, unsealed canola oil in a dutch oven configured as a deep fryer. The temperature was held between 320 and 360. and chips were cooked for about 5-7 minutes. The chips were not burned, had been rinsed, soaked for an hour+, and dried before cooking. Any suggestions as to why they were bitter? I know about solanine in the skin but figured peeling would remove the bitterness. Does the solanine permeate the potato?
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Which potato has the most vitamins and nutrients in it?
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How long does it take to roast cubed potatoes in the oven?
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I have baby bite-sized potatoes that peeling isn't necessary. Do I soak them to avoid them turning gray?
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If I boil potato in water (with skin on), is it safe for me to refrigerate it and eat it the day after...Also, is it better for me to peel it before refrigerating it or is it crucial to put it in bag with less possible air in it. Thank you!
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Do potatoes need to be on plastic wrap or could it be parchment paper (to freeze)?
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