Latest News from the IPC

Oct 7, 2004

Helpful Holiday Hints for Perfect Potato Preparation

When it comes time for preparing one of the center attractions for your holiday meal (besides your family's traditional and beloved main course), potatoes rank right up there as an absolute given. Who better than the wives of Idaho Potato Commissioners to provide tips to ensure your 2004 holiday potato preparations are as flawless, easy and delicious as possible. (And, you are a step ahead when you start with the most consistently shaped and flavorful potatoes out there!)
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Sep 10, 2004

Idaho Potato Commission's CEO Flexes Muscles with America's Favorite Fitness Expert

BOISE, ID, September 10, 2004 - The Idaho Potato Commission recently announced that it has renewed its partnership with fitness icon Denise Austin who has served as an impassioned advocate for Idaho Potatoes for the past year.
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Sep 7, 2004

Yes! Yes! It's True: The Gilligan's Island Crew was Rescued

BOISE, IDAHO, September 7, 2004 - Visitors will think they're seeing a mirage when they stop by booth # 501 at this year's PMA. The familiar faces of original Gilligan's Island cast members will generate a lot of second looks and, the folks at the Idaho Potato Commission's booth hope, a lot of conversation, socializing and photo opportunities.
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Sep 2, 2004

Looking for a Little Culinary Inspiration?

BOISE, IDAHO, September 2, 2004 – Everyone needs a little inspiration now and then when it comes to menu planning. But where do you start? Classics like America's favorite potato – the Idaho potato, are ideal for experimenting because it can be prepared in an endless number of ways to provide limitless menu possibilities. For chefs who like to try new recipes to keep their menus creative and relevant, is the place. All you have to do is log onto the site, click on the recipe catalog button and your recipe rolodex will never be the same.
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Jul 6, 2004

New Idaho Potato Commission "Signature" Video Shows Operators How to Make Fries from Scratch

BOISE, ID, July 6, 2004 - The perfect fresh made French fry need not be an enigma any longer. The folks at the Idaho Potato Commission (IPC) have created an instructional video that walks restaurant and non commercial operators through the ABCs of creating the best on premise freshly prepared French fry possible.
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Jul 6, 2004

How to Make the Best "Signature" Fresh French Fries

Select quality potatoes. The best potatoes to use for making fresh French fries are Idaho Russet Potatoes. The high solids content of the Idaho Potato guarantees consistent flavor, golden color and fluffy potato inside texture. In addition, the long oval shape of the Idaho Potato will result in eye-pleasing cut fries. Look for an oval shape, nice length and shallow eyes. No. 1 grade potatoes yield the highest, but No. 2 potatoes may make a more economical choice. The taste is the same.
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Jun 21, 2004

Idaho Potato Commission Hosts Elegant Event for Media at Chicago's Four-Star Spiaggia Restaurant

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, June 21, 2004 - The Idaho Potato Commission feted special media guests with an elegant and informative luncheon event held today at Spiaggia -- Chicago's only four-star Italian restaurant as rated by the Chicago Tribune and Chicago Magazine.
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Jun 21, 2004

The Idaho Potato Commission Fights Back:

CHICAGO, IL, June 21, 2004 - The Idaho Potato Commission has created a comprehensive marketing program designed to promote the world's most famous spud, while at the same time "taking on" the anti-carb movement.
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Jun 21, 2004

Restaurants Adapt to Meet Shifts in Consumer Demand: Low Carb Menus, Seasonal Selections & Global Cuisine

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, June 21, 2004 - Fewer diet movements have caught the imagination or stirred as much emotional debate as the Atkins diet has in America. Food manufacturers, supermarkets, restaurants and industry groups like the Idaho Potato Commission, have all been affected and reactions range from product reformulations to dedicated carb-free aisles to revamped marketing campaigns.
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Jun 10, 2004

How to Eat Well in a Restaurant

Tips from Idaho Potato Commission’s Nutrition Expert, Riska Platt, R.D. * Eating out is fun. But as a dedicated “Foodie”, you eat out one or several times a week and the fun part needs to be balanced with good sense. Find a way to eat what you like, without going overboard. It will help if you decide ahead of time what you plan to order.
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